Training Programs: Introducing a Team to Java

In the time period from 2001 to 2003, we aided what was then the Genrad company in transitioning its Zurich developers' team from VisualBasic and C++ to Java. Initially, we held twice-weekly introductory lessons that provided the knowledge needed for the project at hand. In addition, team members were assisted individually. We succeeded in developing a sound piece of software, applying a technology that most team members had been unfamiliar with prior to our collaboration.

Sea Stacks on St. Olofsholm/Gotland (© Karl Brodowsky 2010

We are happy to pass on our knowledge, be it over the course of a project or in the form of explicit training.

IT Sky Consulting GmbH
Tannwaldstrasse 26
4600 Olten
Phone: +41 79 2704802